Thursday, October 14, 2010

Living in a hospital is such an odd experience, you are here because you are sick, one thing that everyone knows a sick person needs is rest but that is the one thing that we can't seem to get. Georgia has her vitals checked every four hours (assuming all is well) round the clock, then they check her IV every two hours.. needless to say that the vitals taken at midnight and four in the morning wake her up and the visits in between wake me up too.
I thought I would give you a glimpse of how our days start, the team comes in and the resident starts by saying "this is Georgia Handsaker, our 10 month old female ... presenting symptoms of both JMML and AML, ... today's plan is... All of this while I am sitting in my pj's!

Grandpa was here for the meeting today and took this pic

I'm mean really guys I know I'm cool and all but this is a little much!

Georgia's surgery went well today, she had her catheter placed in her chest and an ultrasound on her heart - they kind of chemo they are proposing can be damaging to the heart so they want to know where they are starting from. After surgery she was wheeled in a crib back to our room.. I was happy that she wasn't upset but heartbroken that she might be getting use to all of this. I scooped her up and held her in my arms until she fell asleep then cried.. this is all so much to take in and we aren't even at the starting line yet. I am terrified for what's to come. Tomorrow is our "treatment plan meeting" or as I like to call it our Georgia Cure Plan meeting.. grandparents, one of her aunts, and her pediatrician will all be there.


  1. I am hoping and praying all goes well. I know you are and Brian are strong enough to get through this. I also know Georgia is too. You just never get used to the "no sleep laws of babydom" and it should be waning by now... What about sleeping in shifts? I just wish that there was SOMETHING I could do to help, to make it all go away... to return your beautiful family to some form of tranquility. We miss you all very much. Keep up the good fight and know your support network is here for you day or night... We love you!

  2. Has anyone talked about Stem Cell? Have a co-worker who is following this as well and she knows of someone who did that with excellent results. Just curious.

  3. Thoughts and prayers from Whidbey!

  4. Anxious to hear about the proposed Georgia Care Plan. Thanks for candidly writing about your experience and keeping us all posted. I can't imagine being out of touch for this long without your blog. I miss you guys so much. Our weeks just haven't been the same. I know I've said it before, but we haven't stopped thinking and praying for all of you.
    Love you.
    Jay, Meredith and Charlotte

  5. I loathe having to spend any amount of time at the hospital... you are so brave! I just can't imagine what you're going through. I'm praying for you & Brian and your precious little Georgia.
