Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Happy 11 Months my baby girl. You are my darling, without a doubt, an amazing child.. I knew this the moment you were born but you have been absolutely incredible this past month. Just weeks ago I would never have imagined that we would be where we are today. You are so smart Georgia, when I took you for your second ultrasound of your leg the other day you started crying when we were about five feet from the door.. you remembered and you'd only been in that room once before.
Your smile and little wiggle dance keeps me going everyday. You have the entire staff of the SCCA wing in the palm of your hand.. they ohh and ahh over you, when our door is open they wave and fight over who you are smiling at.
You have mastered waving this past month and almost every morning when your eyes open your hand shoots up and you start waving. You are an EXPERT with raspberries and I have been very impressed that you know which doctors to give them to. You love to put your hand up to your mouth and make a bah, bah, bah sound.. typically just as the docs are talking about your care.. this really shows the sense of humor that I have seen emerging lately. You are starting to understand giving a high five. You still are my dancer and you love music.. listening to it, dancing to it and even playing your whistle and macaranas.
The month ahead is going to be a tough one Georgia girl but I think daddy said it best today.. he said, "you know who is going to get us through this... Georgia." Everyday I think I couldn't possibly love you any more but you always prove me wrong. The strength you are showing is inspirational, I hate that you are going through this but love that you are mad and ready to tell the world about it. I am so proud of who you are... I love you my sweet girl.


  1. Mark and I are praying for all 3 of you. We know you will get through this and come out on top.

    Kim and Mark

  2. Alison and Brian, you two are possibly the BEST paretns I have ever met. The strongest most compassionate and loving parents ever. Goergia is one lucky girl to have you both in her corner. I am honored to know you both and to know your wonderful daughter. I think of you all day and night and pray that every day brings you closer to beating this thing. For how little we have spent time together I feel like I know what you are about and it is refreshing and inspring. Thank you for choosing to move into the house next door.

  3. We are watching and sending love, healing thoughts and prayers! The music is such an AWESOME idea and will be such a perfect way to send a message and get you all prepped for some serious ASS WOOPING!! We love you Georgia!!

  4. Happy 11 months Georgia! Your Gig Harbor friends are keeping you in our thoughts and are so happy to hear that you have not lost your spunk! Live to you all.

  5. Happy 11 months, Georgia! Little girl, you just keep blowing those raspberries!
