Friday, November 19, 2010

When the world renown orthopedic surgeon can fit you into his schedule last minute you have to go.. even if that's on your baby's first birthday. I was disappointed and tried to change the appointment when they called yesterday but didn't have any luck. Dr. Conrad or Chappy as he is known has been following Georgia's case and was the doctor who did her original biopsy. We saw him again today - he is kind, very direct and excellent at what he does. He disagreed with the oncologists saying that the mass in Georgia's leg was definitely smaller and that her bone had started to regenerate - he had us get an xray and sure enough we looked and compared the two, new bone has most certainly started to fill in where there was destruction before. This means that what has been "prescribed" so far has worked. He was undecided on if he agreed with the radiation regimen and said he would be talking to others in the field to see what was best. We will work with our whole team to figure out the next steps but today for the first time in a while felt like good news.

1 comment:

  1. You couldn't ask for a better birthday present!!! Bone knitting itself back together, smaller mass and the best doc in the country? Oh yeah!! Chris remembered him too... Chappy is pretty great. Georgia is in the best hands and the fact that HE is following her case is an amazing stroke of prayers being answered! Hooray for Georgia!!!
