Monday, February 28, 2011

Day +40

Today we were told that we can go home, the process has been started to have us released from Children's Hospital. I talked with the nurse, the dietitian, the nurse practitioner about my ideas and all were in agreement to give it a try... the attending reluctantly said that was fine. We are being sent home on partial TPN which will include the overnight hydration that Georgia needs. She will need to be hooked up for 15 hours a day as we continue to forge ahead on her eating.
You would think that I would be elated, but all day I've felt sort of blah about it all. It's time for us to go, there is no doubt about that but I am all to aware of the pressures that await me at home. I will still be counting every bite that goes into Georgia's mouth and reporting all of her calories to the out patient dietitian. We are allowed to try the at home TPN for a few weeks but if it doesn't pick up we'll be looking at the NG tube. This is a step in the right direction but we are far from done with this process. During our stay we have seen countless kids be released only to come back for a fever or infection and it's scary to feel responsible for not letting Georgia get sick.
Naturally insurance logistics played a part in getting things organized today so we will be released on Wednesday.


  1. AWESOME NEWS!! You will do great Mom!! We would love to have you come to one of our Team in Training practices when Georgia is up to being out in public. You and Georgia have been an inspiration to all of use!! God Bless!

  2. You will do great. If you were over confident then I would be worried!
    I am excited and apprehensive as well. I miss having Georgia next door... she is my motivation for yard work and other general outdoor activities... I hope you got my text. If you need their contact info just let me know. Again... if you need ANYTHING just let me know. I am here for you always.
