Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day +32

I have reached a point in this journey where I am ready to go home, that will come with plenty of stress that I will need to manage but it's time for Georgia... I want her to be able to go outside, to play, to crawl around, to learn to walk, to be able to eat food that didn't just come out of a cooler (since we're in isolation) and for her to just have a break. Today I waited for her tacrolimus(her immune supressant) level to come back, a few days ago it was too low for us to get a pass to go home for a bit, they raised her level 30% so I thought for sure today we'd get to go. Three o'clock rolled around and the level came back... still too low. The nurse saw the look of sheer frustration (and likely a look of wanting to climb the walls) and said, let me see what I can do to at least get the ok to go outside. I am fairly sure everyone knows we need a break from out isolation "island" so all were in favor of us going for a walk outside... only stipulation was that the pole had to come too... no problemo! Due to the construction happening the play area is closed so we headed to the Whale parking lot.. toured the top level and headed down the sidewalk, it felt so good to have the sun shining on Georgia's face.

Practicing walking


  1. I am so happy you were able to go outside for a little stroll . . . you can tell Georgia loved it by the smile on her face! I can't wait for you guys to come home so we can go for walks around the neighborhood. Thinking of you guys every day! XOXOXO

  2. Hooray for FRESH AIR and those awesome smiles on your faces! We're keeping our fingers crossed for an OK to go home soon!

  3. The smiles!!! Fresh Air is what you ALL need! The sun shine and fresh air are the best medicine! So happy you got to get out even if it was just around the parking lot! I think the boys will be happy to see you walking up and down the road when you get home too... they haven't seen anyone interesting out there in so long! Hope you/Georgia were able to enjoy the cookies... gluten and wheat free. Made from a pre mix. I thought about trying from scratch but was afraid! LOL
