Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day +22.... She's Back!

Today for the first time in far too long I am thrilled to tell you that Georgia... is... BACK! Moving, dancing, talking, smiling, clapping, waving... I can't get enough.


Waving at a neighbor


  1. OMGosh...what a happy sight to see this morning! Soooo glad she is feeling better - which makes YOU feel better, too. Like I've said, I don't even know you, but I am looking and hoping every day for a positive outcome. Here it is (and she even has pretty hair coming back!)

  2. Your little warrior is so beautiful!! Continuing to follow you all every day and so appreciate your continued updates. The road you are on is not one we would ever wish for but the journey and realization about the important things in life is something that everyone should get to experience but only a lucky few actually do. Little Georgia continues to amaze us & through her and your words we can all learn. THANK YOU!!!

  3. Hurray!!!!! She's looks fantastic.

  4. Oh, how these photos brighten a gray day! :-)) HOOORAY for Georgia! Clap! Clap!
