Sunday, December 30, 2012

Snow Bunny

On Friday we decided to take Georgia up to Alpental to try skiing for the first time.  Our goal, make it fun, no pressure, just fun.  If memory serves, the last time all three of us were up at Alpental was just before transplant, we'd gone up to get away from it all before we headed back into the hospital. 
Georgia was excited to see the snow and was quick to get her gear on, happy to be running around and watching the other kids on the slopes.  We started with playing, then watching daddy on his snowboard, then she was ready to give it a try.  She ended up doing two short stints on the skis, smiling the whole time, there were also several snow angels, and a few trips on daddy's snowboard - the day was a big success.
When it was time to warm up, we headed to the lodge for lunch and daddy took a few runs while we stayed warm.  Before heading home we made a sort of snow slide which was good for a bunch of laughs and Georgia tried her skis one more time.
My favorite scene of the whole day, and the only one I didn't get a picture of, was walking down the long covered bridge to our car, it was getting dark and we were the only ones on the bridge.  I was a few steps behind Brian and Georgia, here they were, all bundled, walking hand in hand across this same bridge that almost exactly two years ago we'd taken pictures on.  The pictures we took back then were of a baby, she was bald under her snow hat and had a horrible rash all over her face, we held her because she couldn't walk yet.  On this day, Georgia is so much bigger, her hair surrounded her face, her skin looks beautiful and she'd tried skiing for the first time - it all felt so huge.

 All geared up!

The smile was all that mattered


  Trying her hand at "snowboarding"

I don't think Brian could be any happier!
Georgia & Mama warm in the lodge

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