Friday, October 19, 2012

21 Months Post Transplant

Georgia I can hardly believe that in one month you will be three!  You continue to excel in the talking category and we are without a doubt in the "why" phase... "why mommy, why?"  Here are a few other things you've said lately:

Recently we stopped by Target, immediately upon walking in the door you spotted the teen girl clothes, went over to a shirt and said, "oh, beautiful, this is beautiful."  I laughed to myself and told you it was for big girls, you said "when I get bigger mama, I wanna wear this."  "Ok, Georgia."  As we walked away you passed by another shirt, touched it and said "beautiful" as if you were in Tiffany's admiring diamonds.

A couple of days ago we were at the park, you were across the playground and yelled "hey Al" when you wanted to get my attention.

With the onset of cold and flu season we've already had several cancelled play dates.  I do my best not to tell you about any plans we have until the day of but sometimes things still get cancelled.  We talk about how it feels when we aren't able to see friends, and the words frustrated and disappointed often come up.  At the end of the day, it makes me sad that you can't do everything you want to do but I think it's healthy that you are able to express how you feel.

Since plans are always tentative I try and have ideas for projects or places to visit in mind, so far they seem to be keeping you happy, I'll often hear "that's a great idea mama!"

We talk a lot about the new baby that's coming, you're always quick to ask if you can help with the baby, you want to feed him or her a bottle and do lots of snuggling.  The four baby dolls that you sleep with tells me that you are going to be a great big sister.
With the talk about baby, daddy told you that you'll be a big sister and more grown up when the baby comes, you said "I not want to be a grown up, I want to be a kid!"

Conversations have started to look like this and start with "so mama..."  I can only imagine what the teen years will be like!

With fall upon us I am trying to get us outside when it's not raining to enjoy the colors, here are a few pictures from the park last week:

Being the helper that you are, you wanted your own rake to help with the leaves.  This is the first year you've been able to play in the leaves so we took full advantage a couple of days ago.  Daddy kept raking up the leaves then throwing them around for you to run through, he said, "I am creating more work for myself but it's too fun to care."  You loved every minute.


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