Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day +76

Ahh... that is the sound of a slight exhale. Today we had a good appointment and Georgia's weight was up! Her calories were up and her weight went from 9.68kg to 9.77kg - not a huge jump but certainly a sign of improvement. I knew she'd been eating a little more but she is moving more too so I was thrilled to see the results. The team was pleased and we are sticking with our current course of treatment, her counts look good and for the first time we talked about moving toward day 100 when we will transition back to Children's Hospital. The doctor said Georgia isn't showing signs of chronic GVHD, something that typically shows up as dry eyes, mouth, or on the skin and nails. We talked about tapering her immune suppressants and that through that process we'll be seen at both Children's and the Continuing Care Clinic as the SCCA at they are the experts in GVHD. It felt so good to looking toward the future. Today I will enjoy this, today I will take a breath, have some wine and squeeze my baby girl.. I will wait until tomorrow to start worrying about the chest xray, bone marrow aspirate and skin biopsy that she has on Thursday.


  1. Yay, Georgia!!! :-)) Eat, eat, eat some more little girl!

  2. Great news! Every night I am on FB I ask my friends to send an apetite to Georgia. I ask them to make her hungry!!! Now if everyone else can get into it maybe we can make those numbers move a bit further up the chart! YEAH!!! I am so glad things are moving forward again. HUGS TO ALL!!!
