Saturday, December 21, 2013

Nine Months

Leo, Leo, Leo, how can it be that you are nine months old?  I am a week late in writing this and that is in large part because I've been chasing you!  You are so active and have become a speedy crawler who will do anything to keep up with your sister!  You love your freedom and the ability to explore everything, dangerous or not.  You've caught on quickly, you go for a cord, grab it, I look at you and say, "no, no" and you shake your head no, smart boy.
You seem  to be particularly fascinated with electrical cords and the vacuum, any time the vacuum is turned on your whole body lights up and you beeline for the noisy machine, the closer you are to it, the happier you are.
If ever you're upset you will always be happy if I put in the bath, you love the water, splashing and moving around, this has been true since you were born.
You've started to pull up on things big and small and we've started taking bets on when you will walk.. we all know it will be soon.
Getting you dressed has turned into a WWF scene, you flip, squirm and arch your back trying to get away and giggling the whole time.
We still struggle with sleep, waking up several times through the night.  You have your two bottom teeth and one of your top front teeth has come through, the other is not far behind and is certainly bothering you.  I have said several times, "Santa, the song goes, all I want for Christmas is my TWO front teeth, just one isn't getting me what's on my Christmas list... sleep!

You had your nine month wellness check last week, here are the stats:
Weight: 21lbs 10oz (65th%)
Height: 30 inches (95th%)
I love you my boy.

You and Grandpa after your first sledding adventure
 Pure sweetness

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