Monday, August 26, 2013

Five Months

Leo, you celebrated turning five months old at the pool in Montana, no bad my boy, not bad at all.  You continue to grow at an incredible rate, you have moved into 9-12 month clothing and your toes are just starting to dangle off the end of your car seat.  You're happy and patient but have recently become more fussy, due to teething, I think. 
You are on the move, not crawling but rolling both directions and scooting all around,  You're whole body gets going when you see Georgia running around and she can always make you smile.
Sleep, well, here is one topic that you really need to work on, your mother would really appreciate it.  You are still up multiple times a night, there seems to be no rhyme or reason to it.  I keep saying, well, if you're growing at lightening speed I guess you're legitimately hungry in the middle of the night.
Your eyes are a deep, dark brown, you almost can't make out your pupil.  Your eyes are so expressive, even with how dark they are there is such a brightness to them.  When I look at you I see a bit of an old soul, there's a calm and content nature about you.  I call you my koala bear, you fit just so on my side and love to snuggle in.  I love you my sweet boy and can't wait for the adventures that lie ahead.

 Two of a kind


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