Monday, July 15, 2013

Four Months

A boy, some days I still laugh a little that I had a boy, I had no idea how happy a little boy would make me.  Leo, you continue to have a very sweet nature, you're happy, determined, strong and patient but your sweetness is undeniable.  A week or so ago I was getting you ready for bed and Georgia woke up, she was crying so we went to see if she was ok, as I explained to her that I needed to put you to bed before I could come and lay with her she continued to cry, you then puckered up your lips and let out a cry... she cried, you cried, sympathy from my sweet boy to his big sister.  
You've moved from the swing to an activity mat, you enjoy being active with your hands and feet.  Just tonight you rolled from your tummy to your back twice, you looked a little startled then it was all smiles, so proud of your accomplishment.  Your favorite thing continues to be being pulled to standing, your face lights up as if you've just made a huge accomplishment!  Yesterday you tried an exersaucer for the first time, you couldn't have been happier, upright, on your own, with toys!
We have your four month check up this week, I'll be curious to see how much you've grown, you were weighed at 3 1/2 months... 17.3 pounds!  Your six month pj's are too short for you so you recently moved in to the NINE month size in some clothes!  Your lightening speed growth must be why you still wake up through the night, you're a decent sleeper but perhaps this month we could make a little progress.. I assure you, the food will still be available in the morning.  Your cheeks and little rolls are just about the cutest thing I've ever seen!  I realize I may be a little bias, but you seem to be the epitome of tall, dark and handsome!
I am so grateful that you are my child, happy four months my boy, you are loved more than you'll ever know.

Boy Genius.. if the shirt says it, it must be true!

Little kankles

Wrist rolls!

Handsome?  Who me?

Tonight as I was getting Georgia's dinner ready you were playing on your mat.. I guess you had quite the workout!

1 comment:

  1. SO DARN ADORABLE! He is awesome already. Can't wait to see the wonderful little person he continues to grow into.
