Thursday, March 21, 2013

Leo James

Life is so funny, my last post was on Friday 3/15/13 at 12:30pm with pictures of my pregnant belly talking about how we couldn't wait to meet our new addition... less than eight hours later I was holding Leo James Handsaker in my arms.
At 6:20pm I had my first contraction, two more came and went and I could tell by the intensity something was happening.  My sister was called to pick up Georgia and I talked with the on call doctor who said to come in right away given that I was already 4cm dilated as of my last appointment.  On the phone the doctor asked if I wanted to deliver naturally, I literally burst out laughing, and assured her I definitely wanted an epidural.  There was a whirlwind of chaos but Brian and I were out the door and on our way.  The parking garage was nearly full but we finally found a spot and as luck would have it a nurse was walking by with a wheelchair and offered to take me to triage.  We checked in 7:36pm and within minutes my contractions were on top of each other, Brian ran out to ask where the doctor was, it was shift change time and I don't think anyone realized how quickly things were happening for me. In the next couple of minutes the doctor had been in and a nurse was there with a wheelchair to get me to a room, she said, "lets get you an epidural."  With a sharp right and left turn we arrived in my room and I had barely sat on the edge of the bed when I looked at our nurse with what I'm sure was terrified voice said, "I need to push" just then my water broke and all sorts of things were coming out of my mouth, mostly like, I can't do this,  I need and epidural and you need to help me!  The nurse kept reassuring me that could do this as she was calling for the doctor to come in.  Minutes and I believe four pushes later Leo James came into this world, it was 8:04pm, 28 minutes after we'd checked in at triage.  The doctor declared "it's a boy!" and he was immediately on my chest.  Brian and I spent the first hour just pouring over our perfect baby boy, all 8lbs 7oz and 20 3/4 inches of him.
My body wasn't cooperating so Leo went to daddy while the doctor and nurses tried to help me, after an intense couple of hours I'd lost two liters of blood and was still in a lot of pain.  Finally everything was under control and I was able to focus again on this amazing little creature.  I am so thankful that Leo is here, it's funny how quickly someone can change your world, with our son, our family is now complete.
Thank you to our families for all of their support, particularly my sister who took Georgia for two nights while we were in the hospital, she had a ball.



  1. Oh......What a sweetie! You did great, Mom! : ) Congratulations to all!

  2. I can't wait to see him - he looks so much like G! Love you all and hope to see you this weekend! XOXOXO Julie and family

  3. Beautiful Leo. Great job, Brave Friend. So cool.
