Wednesday, January 9, 2013

January 9th

Two years ago at 4:00pm we checked into Children's Hospital to begin "conditioning" for transplant.  Before leaving home, we listened to the theme song from Rocky and Eye of the Tiger in an effort to boost ourselves up and walk back through those doors.  We had no idea the fire we were walking into, it would have been impossible to understand what what was to come.
Today, we had a relaxing morning, played dolls, picked out paint for the new baby's room and for the first time, I put a little french braid in Georgia's hair.  To say that I am grateful is a massive understatement.  I love you my girl, we've been to hell but we're on our way back.

This picture was taken as we were heading out the door to Costco last week.  Georgia chose each piece of her outfit and couldn't have been more pleased with how it all came together.  Needless to say, there were plenty of smiles coming her way on our shopping trip.

1 comment:

  1. Now that picture is the polar opposite of hell are making it and it is grand just like that awesome outfit.
