Saturday, October 25, 2014

October 4th

October 4th is a significant date in our household, on October 4, 2010 we were told Georgia had cancer and our world became unrecognizable.  My heart aches at the memories of the moments leading up to those words being spoken, I miss the carelessness that I use to have in my life.
October 4th is a date that makes my heart ache but also makes me more grateful than I knew possible. I think I am successful everyday in recognizing things that I am thankful for, things that I do not take for granted, but this day is one where the gratitude is seen in all things.

Sometimes there are little things that make me smile and think, I love my life.  I could make a fairly substantial list of things that aren't fair or seem extra hard but so can anyone.  I love that there is a princess sticker stuck to the garage floor, I love that Georgia insists upon carrying a purse with her "lipstick" and headbands.  I love that Leo wraps his arm around my neck so tightly when he hugs me.  I love that he smacks his lips when he gives me a kiss.  A few nights ago as I was putting Georgia to bed she said, mom, I love you more than anyone, even more than ice cream!  I try and remember these little moments that seem so simple but remind me how much I love my life.

This is how October 4, 2014 came to a close, Georgia read to Leo before bed, it's hard to believe that four years ago we were told she had cancer... eternally grateful will never cover it, I love these two more than I ever knew I could.

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