Life has been good, busy, never enough time, let me check my calendar, we're late (again) kind of busy, but it's good.
Georgia: You love school, I mean really love it, everyday you ask when it's time to go to school. We're carpooling with two other families this year, you think this is particularly fun. you continue to love gymnastics, always flipping and cartweeling around the living room.
You've also started up ballet again after taking the summer off, you seem to like leaping, pointing and flexing your toes, it's a great combination of structure and fun, much like your personality.
You are growing up and learning so much, some fun, some not. Recently you were a bit bullied by someone in your dance class, a little girl told you she didn't like you and didn't want you in the class. My heart ached as you told me you thought you should change classes because this girl didn't want you there. We talked about it, about what to do if it happened again and then I talked to the parent educator at school. It's been almost a month and the indecent came up again, you are still hurt by what happened and I am still trying to give you the skills to take care of yourself, this one is a toughy, for both of us.
You are my helper in everything, you love to help in the kitchen, with Leo, you help me remember what we're supposed to be doing and what to buy at the grocery store.
I'm so proud of the person you are, you are a good friend, you're polite and kind, you are a sweet, sweet girl. You love your brother, every day you make him a picture at school and giving it to him first thing when you get home.
Leo: You are a happy, flailing, tantrum throwing very physical handful of a boy. Someday you'll read this and tell me I was being mean, the truth is I think you're right on track for being an 19 month old boy. It isn't all tantrums though, you have a sweetness to you, you love to snuggle and cry every time Georgia leaves for school/
You eat all the time, I don't mean snacks, I mean, two pieces of french toast, a scrambled egg, sausage, and a banana king of meal. You are growing constantly and rarely sit still, you need all that fuel to climb onto all of the furniture, empty drawers of clean clothes, and keep up with your sister.
You love books, much more so than Georgia did at this age. You love flipping through books about trains, truck and animals. You are definitely an animal lover, dogs in particular.
If you see dirt you want to dig in it, if you see bugs you try to stomp on them. You're an early riser who is becoming a better sleeper, I can't tell you how much I appreciate this!