Saturday, January 18, 2014

10 Months

Here we are Leo, another month later and you are only faster!  We took bets last month on when you would walk given that you'd started pulling up on things... I won, guessing that you'd keep crawling in an effort to keep up with your sister!  You are now cruising furniture, pushing walking toys and I've even caught you standing for just a few seconds on your own, but more than anything you get a thrill our of how fast you can crawl! 
You started saying "Mama" although I know you don't know what it means I thoroughly enjoy hearing you say it.
You're face lights up when I ask you, "where's Georgia?" you start looking around, always wanting to be with her, it's very sweet.
You recently stated scrunching up your nose, then breathe in and out really quickly, you think this is hilarious and love that we all laugh along with you.  You really understand that you can be funny and love getting a laugh.
Something not quite as laughable, I can ask, Leo how do you go ni-night?  You smile and lay your head on the ground, this is not very hilarious given your lousy sleep habits.
You continue to be a happy boy who I call a maniac, I mean this in the most loving way of course, but you are into everything... including the garbage and pulling up on the toilet - yuck!
You love music and being sung to, you tend to sing right along, so pleased to be doing what everyone else is doing.
You're a happy, social, lovable little guy, we love you Leo!!

Little Dancer

First swing ride

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