Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Today you are four, four!  I can't stop thinking about how grown up four sounds, you're not a baby, or toddler, you are a four year old girl, and what a girl you are!  You're incredible Georgia, a force to be reckoned with, a kind and sweet ball of fire.  There's not denying your life so far has had an impact on who you are today, but there's a lot of you that simply just was that way from the start.  There is an intensity about you, you get it, what ever it is.  You are keenly aware, of everything, you always have been.  This is true from people's emotions to driving directions, you are just always aware.
It has been so fun to see you become a friend, you are kind and playful, talkative and a good listener. You know what you should do and most of the time make the right choices.  I've seen a glimpse of what boundaries you're going to start pushing and I'll admit, I'm already strategizing on how to teach loving lessons to a girl who isn't afraid to give it right back.  The other day I'd asked you not to do something, when I got frustrated after seeing you weren't following through, you said, "ugh, but mom, I need to do what I want to do!"  You have started to go under the kitchen table when you are going to do something I don't want you to, this is a bit hilarious because there's no tablecloth or anything to hide what you're doing.  At the end of the day you are so full of love, always telling me how much you love me and wanting to snuggle, I hope this happens forever.
You are strong, you are brave, you are smart, you are so beautiful. To you, to four and to many, many more, happy birthday Georgia.  I love you my girl.

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