Monday, November 19, 2012


Part of me can't believe you're already three Georgia, the other part can't believe that three years and one day ago I didn't know you.  It feels as though time is moving faster these days and you are soaking everything in.  You're growing and changing but are still the same girl who knows what she wants and loves to snuggle - two traits a nurse told me you had the night you were born.
Today we celebrated you turning three just the three of us - this is your last birthday as an only child!  When you woke up you we all went out to the living room where you found your new dollhouse, something you'd seen several months ago and would ask to look at each time we went to Costco.  You were thrilled and spent most of today playing with it.  We did take a break to go out to breakfast where you had a candle in you pancakes.  We ended the day with dinner, you requested spaghetti, zuccinni and yams - still my healthy eater.  We did two rounds of happy birthday and you wanted each of us to blow out the candle.

At three years old here is what I can tell you about you...

Your favorite color is orange but you wear pink most often.

You tell me about a dozen times a day "Mama, I love you so much in the whole world!"  I never get tired of hearing it and am trying to "bank" in for when you hit your teen years.

You're funny, and you know it.  One of your favorite "games" is to shake hands and say, "nice to meet you, what's your name?"  Each time we pick different names of friends, objects, animals, whatever, and each time you throw your head back laughing that I didn't say my name is mama.

You've taken to calling myself and daddy by our first names, if you don't get a response the first time using mama or daddy you will call, "hey, Alison?" or "Brian... hey, Bri..."  We think it's hilarious.

You love your baby dolls, you carry them around, wrap them up and talk to them... you're going to be a fantastic big sister.

Clothes, shoes and all things girly are still your favorite, our friend and neighbor gave you a plaid blue and white shirt for your birthday, your first comment, "this is for a boy!"  I guess we need to expand your wardrobe colors a bit.

When I ask you if you're a kid or a baby, you say, "no mama, I'm a little girl!"  And a little girl you are, you certainly have a sense of maturity to you but when you're around other kids you join right in. 

You have good manners and use them... you love to help unload groceries and often as you pull things out of a bag you'll gasp and say, "oh thank you so much!"  The irony isn't lost on me, I use to work so hard to get you to eat and now you're thanking me for food.

We love you so much and are so proud of the person you're becoming.  You have certainly encountered more challenges than most adults I know but you're happy, just a happy little girl who loves life.  You're my little force to be reckoned with all wrapped up in a beautiful package.  Happy third birthday my girl, and happy 22 months post transplant.

 First thing this morning, checking out your new dollhouse.
 I think it was a hit!
Birthday pancakes

 Still going
 Happy to be three!
One last round

1 comment:

  1. Alison, I just love your birthday and special milestone posts! Georgia will very soon love having you read them to her. So, so sweet!
