Georgia, I can hardly believe that today you are six. In the last six years Georgia, you have been my greatest teacher, you inducted me into motherhood and have taught me so much about myself.
You are silly, funny, loving and kind. You have a competitive spirit, you're outgoing and almost never shy. Last night you said, I'm going to miss being five. I asked you what your favorite part of being five was, "learning to read... and making new friends. If I had to pick one, I'd pick making new friends."
You love school, more than once you've been disappointed that it's the weekend because you can't go to school. There is an underlying maturity to you but mostly you are a normal six year old. We recently found out that you have three loose teeth and you couldn't be happier. You are growing and changing just as you should be.
You are truly a delight and one that I am so, so grateful for. You tell us often that you love your family and are good about sharing your feelings, even the not so fun ones. You'd prefer to play inside but love to write stories, draw and play with your stuffed animals.
You are so good to your brother, it's true that you bicker like siblings but when you told us how excited you were to get your birthday pencil from your teacher, you immediately said, oh, I wish I could get one for Leo too.
So many thoughts have swirled through my head over the last several weeks, I remember another mother at the hospital telling me that, we're all God's children and that our kids aren't really ours to begin with. I had such clear visions of myself screaming at God, saying, She's MINE!! and then literally whispering out loud, please let me keep her. I cannot tell you how grateful I am that I got to keep you Georgia, you are such a gift.
Happy Birthday my girl, today you are six!!